The Fulcrum

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Tomorrow begins act II of the horrid tragedy that set me to blogging in the first place. Inauguration means a beginning and beginnings usually bring to mind a new start; perhaps a chance to make right past wrongs. Perhaps just to set off in a new direction.

In the case of Bush's second coronation I think it only means the beginning of more. More of the abuses of power we've seen for the past four years; power in both the political and the literal sense.

Most of us on the left side of the blogosphere are writing about the upcoming inauguration in dread and our posts show it. I thought about writing something along those lines, but as I often do, even when I don't write in my own blog, I made a quick stop at Steve Bate's blog, The Yellow Doggerel Democrat. What I found there expressed every wretched feeling I have about BushCo. and tomorrow's display of unbridled glee as well as their unbridled donors' money. (If you want to know how much your favorite corporation "donated" for inaugural events, go here.)

But it also made me smile.

Go read Bush's Inaugural Balls.

It's the best thing you'll read on the subject anywhere.

Shop Your Heart 

I got an e-mail today from Adam Jusko of He asked me to just post a link to his site, but after taking a look at what he's up to, I thought I'd not only put up a link, but I'd post on it as well.

Here's part of Adam's e-mail:

I am writing to introduce a new Web site I hope you'll be interested in, and to request a link. The site, is an online shopping mall that donates a percentage of site profits to progressive non-profits and political organizations. I've included the press release below if you are interested in learning about it.
I checked out the list of merchants on his site and it was great to see that many of the companies I already shop with are there.

Go check out ProgressiveDepot; shop by clicking through the links there and shop your heart!

Bum Rap? 

Tonight on ABC's evening news, the soon-to-be former Attorney General, John Ashcroft said that his "Patriot Act" had gotten a bum rap. If only he'd gotten ahead of the "bad press" with a true explanation of PA and PA II, everyone would see that they are only efforts to protect Americans. And they would love them.

It was all I could do to not throw my glass at the TV.

Bum rap? No, but instead of skulking out quietly, it would be so much better to see Ashcroft getting the bum's rush for the Patriot Act that got such a bum rap. But you'll soon hear his refrain repeated ad nauseum across the press and around the right side of the blogosphere.

The only good thing will be watching this turkey soar - out of sight.


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