The Fulcrum

Friday, July 09, 2004

Bush Broke the Army 

Or "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul."

From this morning's NYT:

In what some military experts see as another sign of how the Army's commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan have strained it, the service for the first time will soon begin aggressively recruiting thousands of sailors and airmen who are otherwise scheduled to leave the Navy and Air Force because of cutbacks.

Bush is a Traitor 

Bush has pressured Pakistan to kill or capture bin Laden or other High Value Targets (HVT) during the first three days of the Democratic National Convention.

There hasn't been this pressure until now? So it's been okay that bin Laden and his lieutenants have been traipsing around free so long as Bush gets to steal the spotlight during the Democratic Convention? If that is not treasonous behavior, I can't imagine what would qualify.

Pushing Musharraf to go after Al Qaeda in the tribal areas may be a good idea despite the risks. But, if that is the case, it was a good idea in 2002 and 2003. Why the switch now? Top Pakistanis think they know: This year, the president's reelection is at stake.
Details originating with an article in The New Republic here and more here and here.

Bush Was AWOL 

In case you thought that this subject had disappeared down the memory hole, think again. Seems that there were some very interesting and some very specific - um - "glitches" that caused several months of Bush's military records to be destroyed while they were trying to back up some outdated micro-fiches.

The destroyed records cover three months of a period in 1972 and 1973 when Mr. Bush's claims of service in Alabama are in question.
Amazing! Just those three months were destroyed!

My service records - all 10 years of them - fit on two micro-fiche films. I wonder how just a couple of months of records were destroyed in the middle of a much smaller set? How is that possible?

And why wasn't this amazing, almost miraculous, destruction mentioned when "all" of Bush's records were released before?

Link to Daily Kos via Atrios.

Thursday, July 08, 2004


The newest acronym in the growing lexicon of bigoted harassment driven by the politicized fear and loathing created by 9/11 and the never-ending War on Terror: PWB is Photographing While Brown.

Read this.

It's long; several good sized pages - with photographs. But it is worth your time.

You will be outraged.

Thanks to Scooter for the link.

Sleight of Hand? 

John Kerry finally picks a VP and before the polls can show the usual "bounce," Tom Ridge is on the tube - again - warning - again - of credible, but - again - unspecified threats of terrorist attacks in the US. These attacks, he claims, without providing proof, are intended to disrupt our "democratic processes." In an interesting and frightening twist on the situation, he states that the two upcoming conventions are to be designated as "national security events."

So, is this yet another instance of politically timed terror alerts or the real thing? Who can say any longer; Ridge - again - refused to raise the Terrorist Alert Level. And just what is a "national security event?" What will that mean for people who want to attend the conventions? Most importantly, what will that mean for those who want to protest one or the other convention - especially the Republican Convention in NYC? Instead of across the street or around the block, does this mean that the "free speech zones" will be in the next state?

By doing only what has so far been announced, doesn't that indicate that the terrorists have already affected our democratic processes?

About Damn Time! 

Oh, and Kenny-boy, the cuffs look really good on you. But I hear the latest fashion craze for psychopathic, ex-robber baron CEOs are shackles and stripes. I'm really looking forward to you parading those down the runway on your next perp-walk.

Great Barrier (Reef) 

I wonder what connection the Australian Prime Minister or Defense Minister has to Hughes Space Systems or Boeing? Are there subcontractors to the aerospace industry in Australia that have contributed to their election campaigns?

What else would explain this:

Australia and the United States have signed a pact to develop a controversial missile defense shield. President Bush made the project a priority after the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington in 2001. But critics have questioned its cost, viability, and Australia's need for such a system.

Australia's government says it need a way to protect its shores from ballistic missiles, even though at the moment the remote continent faces no threat from long-range weapons.
But then the lack of need - or, for that matter, the lack of proven technology - hasn't stopped BushCo. from pursuing this chimera either.

With militaries stretched thin already, school budgets going unfunded around the country and AIDS apparently spiraling out of control in so much of the world, is this really the best use of resources right now? Given the lack of need and the complete failure of current technology in every test, other than those rigged to provide a success, can there be any other purpose behind this tragic program other than to repay those who've been so generous with their share holders' money to conservative governments?

Sovereignty and Insurgency 

BushCo. predicted that calm would return to the Fertile Crescent once the Iraqi people were responsible for their own governance. Like every single prediction they've ever made, this one never came true.

To me, this means one of two things. Either they were tragically wrong, witness the continuing violence, or the Iraqis really don't have sovereignty yet. Hmmmm... Your thoughts?

UPDATE: Added links to some of the latest stories.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Mommas Don't Let Your Babies... 

Grow Up to be Conservatives.

From the Orange County Weekly, via Hairy Fish Nuts. Such a nice young man:

Like all incoming high school seniors, Tim Bueler has big plans after graduation. The 17-year-old student at Rancho Cotate High School near San Francisco is acclaimed in conservative circles for starting the High School Conservative Clubs of America, an organization that is just what its name states. But instead of taking the next logical step and entering politics, Bueler plans to do what so many conservatives merely dream about: kill Muslims.

A Winning Combination? 

Everyone and their brother will analyze this to death - and because of my crazy weekend, that went right through Tuesday (and which I may blog about later...), I'm way behind. But I do think that Edwards was the right choice for Kerry who's got the political chops but lacks the easy charm and grace that Edwards brings to the ticket. Yes, the Rethugs will try to paint him as too young (!?), too inexperienced, and, that Republican bug-bear, a trial lawyer.

I will say one thing, in the upcoming VP Debates, Edwards will easily reveal Cheney to be the nasty, up-tight, political back-stabber that he is.

Monday, July 05, 2004

"Changing America, Just Not For The Better" 

An interesting Maureen Dowd piece in this morning's New York Times. I'm not always a fan of MoDo - she tends to be a little too non-discriminating when it comes to her scorn. But this morning, I think she really made some great points.

Their disgust with the 60's spurs oxymoronic - and moronic - behavior, as anti-big-government types conjure up audacious social engineering schemes to turn back the clock.

The day after his re-election to the House in 1994, the future speaker, Newt Gingrich, jubilantly told me he intended to bury any remnants of the "Great Society, counterculture, McGovernik" legacy represented by the morally lax Clintons and return America to a more black-and-white view of right and wrong.


W., who had tuned out during the 60's, preferring frat parties to war moratoriums and civil rights marches, and George Jones to "psychedelic" Beatles albums, was on board with his regents' retro concerns, like Star Wars and Saddam, and outdated cold-war assumptions, like the idea that terrorists could thrive only if sponsored by a state.
And finally, this:

The president did end up changing America's image in the world. Just not for the better.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Land of the Free 

And so we are; "The Land of the Free." Despite all the difficulties we've found ourselves in these past several years, we remain free. Certainly freer than any other society in recorded history.

Unfortunately, I would argue that we are not as free as we were 3 years ago. Yet - we remain free to change ourselves, to change our government if we are displeased with its performance.

I hope that all of you who drop by my little corner of the world, to read what could only be written in a truly free society, have a great holiday weekend. I hope, too, that you will take a few moments from family and friends, from the barbecue and from the frosty beverages to remember just what it is that we are celebrating, and why it's worth the celebration.

Happy Fourth of July. Happy Independence Day!


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