The Fulcrum

Friday, September 12, 2003

R.I.P. John and Johnny 

I suppose for someone like me there couldn't be two people I'd be less likely to miss. And yet, the new this morning made me sad.

John Ritter - "Three's Company" and "Eight Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter" - died of a heart attack at 54. I was never a huge fan of Three's Company in the 70's (although it was fun watching Suzanne Sommers sometimes), but I really was starting to like Eight Simple Rules. Ritter had some of the best "reaction faces" in the business.

Johnny Cash - "The Man in Black" and the only country music you'll ever hear coming out of my stereo or iMac - dead of complications from multiple things at 71. Cash was some of the first "rock and roll" I ever remember hearing when I was growing up. Sure we'd call it country now, (and did I mention I dispise country music?) but it was good drivin' rock and roll...

There are lots of stories out there about these two guys - go read them. They will be missed.

The Other Shoe 

All day yesterday, I kept waiting. It was the same last year.

And when I woke up this morning and there were no pictures of smoke plumes or bodies or wrecked airplanes, I could finally relax. A little.

Here in Western New York, yesterday was a carbon copy of Septemeber 11 two years ago. Clear, blue skies, just a touch of the coming fall in the air. But somehow, not quite the same. Some bit of... what... innocence? was gone. Some little piece of something that was there that made that morning somehow more beautiful than yesterday's "carbon copy."

But today, two years and one day later, it's another beautiful day that's not quite as wonderful as it could have been.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

What Bush Was Thinking After 9/11 

The stories have been circulating for a while now about "doctored" EPA reports on the danger of breathing the air in and around Ground Zero after the attacks. But the details are every bit as disturbing as the theories floating around on the liberal blogs...

See the MSNBC story here.

The money quote: "The report charges that the White House Council on Environmental Quality influenced “the information EPA communicated to the public through its early press releases when it convinced EPA to add reassuring statements and delete cautionary ones.” The report cites “reopening Wall Street” and “national security” as reasons for the spin.

As if there weren't reason enough to be sad and angry today.



America's Weight Problem 

Did you know that Americans consume $4.5 billion in ice cream per year? In terms that might be more "visualizable:" that's 1.6 billion gallons, or - worse - 23 quarts per person every year!

Is it any wonder why so many people look like beach balls?


Go read Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo (link to the right).

"Department of Homeland Security.

36 billion dollars ...

Current Projected Cost of War-fighting and Reconstruction in Iraq.

241 billion dollars ...

Having a president who's got a friggin' clue.

Priceless ...

-- Josh Marshall "

Beating the Same Drum 

In today's Wall Street Journal's editorial page, the shills on the editorial board are doing W's bidding again.

In defending the Resident's $87 billion (stopgap) spending request, the editors again link terrorism on home soil to the qWagmire in Iraq.

"We know what $87 billion is intended to buy: Support for American troops who are taking the battle to terrorists on their own turf and trying to build a stable, pluralistic Iraq in the heart of the Middle East."

Remember: 9/11 = Iraq. If you say it enough times it sticks in your head. Go ahead try it.

Later in the piece, they compare the current mess in Iraq with the Marshall Plan. Sure. Do the research. Then tell me how similar they are.

In Memoriam 

New York, Washington, Pennsylvania.

Flags at half staff, memorial services and too many horrible memories.

The mastermind - still walking free, spewing hate.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Yes, This Man Has No Shame 

The current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. will exploit 9/11 in any way he can to foist the neocon version of 1984 on all of us. The New York Times is reporting that W is using the memory of September 11 to further expand the powers of search and seizure - already made overreaching by Patriot Act I (with the sequel soon at a theater near you!) and to increase the use of the federal death penalty.

Ashcroft and the emperor in chief are pushing hard to make the U.S. a police state in the name of the "Never Ending War on Terror". Unless... unless Congress gets off its ass and performs its constitutional duties of oversight. Can anyone say "checks and balances?" And of course Congress will not act without pressure from other than the usual deep pocketed suspects. See the link over there to the right: Tell your congressperson to Vote to Impeach Bush.

Go. Go now.

Are you still here?

Boys and Their Toys 

The coolest gadget in the world right now.

I want one!


And to anyone reading this (is there anyone reading this yet?) who scoffed at the computer company the above link points to, well... read it and weep!

The (In Too) Deep South 

It was strange enough to hear of a Republican governor in Alabama - Bob Riley - proposing not only tax increases, but also updating the antiquated tax code and getting more money to education. But then to have the people of the state overwhelmingly vote down all of this...

But what really pisses me off to no end is that the Alabama Christian Coalition opposed Gov. Riley's plan to "help the least among us." Seems a pretty "christian" thing to do, no?

Getting Settled In 

As I'm getting started I keep thinking of things that I've forgotten or need to do to make this a "real" blog... like more links, a way to comment on my posts, etc. This is kind of like moving, everything you do reminds you of something else you need to do.

Not that anyone's reading this just yet. But if you do stumble on to this, spread the word.


Welcome to "The Fulcrum" 

If you're wondering about the name, it was inspired by one of my favorite quotes from Archimedes: "Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth!"

Hopefully, as I post more here, this will be a place for discussions on many fo my favorite topics - which can change from day to day or even from moment to moment. Watch for politics, religion (I'm a secular humanist - or "Bright"), flying and anything else that catches my attention.

In the links section, you'll find some of the blogs that have inspired me to begin my own. I won't claim to be anywhere near as good as the people who create these wonders, but they have given me the courage to give it a try. It would be my sincere hope to contribute enough to make it onto any one of their links sections.

So, again, welcome to The Fulcrum. While I don't think that this blog will really ever "move the earth," I hope it will nudge it in the right direction.


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