The Fulcrum

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Thank You, Sir, May I Have Another? 

More "Compassionate Conservatism?"

A day after President Bush heralded his efforts to help the elderly cope with increased medical expenses, federal officials announced the largest premium increase in dollars in the Medicare program's history, raising the monthly expense by $11.60 to $78.20.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Clinton to Have By-Pass Surgery! 

Bill Clinton was admitted to a New York City hospital today:

A Democratic Party official told Reuters that Clinton, who served two terms as president from 1993 to 2001, had checked into the hospital with chest pains. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, could not confirm that Clinton would undergo bypass surgery.

The severity of Clinton's coronary problem was discovered after tests at Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, New York, ABC News reported. His coronary results were not favorable and he was found to have multiple lesions, it said.

CBS News said doctors found a blockage.

CNN quoted a source close to the former president as saying the surgery could take place as early as Saturday.

Young Republicans Love the War 

As long as they don't have to fight it.

In more than a dozen interviews, Republicans in their teens and 20s offered a range of answers. Some have friends in the military in Iraq and are considering enlisting; others said they can better support the war by working politically in the United States; and still others said they think the military doesn't need them because the U.S. presence in Iraq is sufficient.

"Frankly, I want to be a politician. I'd like to survive to see that," said Vivian Lee, 17, a war supporter visiting the convention from Los Angeles.
I'm sure at least one or two of the nearly 1,000 dead American soldiers had plans they would have liked to survived to see, too, you little shit.

Some Speech is More Equal Than Others 

Mayor Michael Bloomberg needs a serious refresher course in American History, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. While discussing protestors, specifically those who have confronted Republican delegates in the streets, he claims that while the Republicans' speech is protected by the First Amendment, the protestors speech makes them... well let's let the Mayor tell you what he thinks it makes them:

"It is true that a handful of people have tried to destroy our city by going up and yelling at visitors here because they don't agree with their views," Mr. Bloomberg said. "Think about what that says. This is America, New York, cradle of liberty, the city for free speech if there ever was one and some people think that we shouldn't allow people to express themselves. That's exactly what the terrorists did, if you think about it, on 9/11. Now this is not the same kind of terrorism but there's no question that these anarchists are afraid to let people speak out."
That's right, if you're a Republican, speaking out makes you an American. If your not it makes you a terrorist.

Trampling the First Amendment in New York 

There is an interesting twist to the arrests of protesters in New York City during the RNC. It seems that the law requires arrestees to be processed and charged or released within 24 hours. Many had been held over 36 hours without any processing. During the same period, people arrested for other, minor infractions like shoplifting had been processed and released.

Why would the city hold the protesters so long (WSJ - subscription)?

According to Mr. Siegel, the teen's mother called Manhattan central booking to inquire about her son and was told that "all demonstrators would be held until President Bush left town." Mr. Bush makes his acceptance speech tonight at the Republican National Convention.
The judge in the case ordered the city to release 560 protesters.

Matter - Antimatter Reaction 

In his acceptance speech, aWol said that his tax cuts had created a strong economy. Anyone who actually reads the newspapers could only shake their heads at this remark. But an article in that ever-so-Liberal Wall Street Journal set my thinking straight on the issue.

Seems the tax cuts are working exactly as BushCo. wanted them to:

The back-to-school shopping season got off to a sluggish start, as midprice department stores, discounters and specialty-apparel retailers rung up disappointing sales in August, reinforcing concerns that consumers are feeling the effects of a shaky and uneven economic recovery.

Upscale shoppers helped luxury department-store chains post hefty gains. Moderate- and lower-income shoppers continued to feel the bite of higher gas and grocery bills and lackluster job growth.
So while you and I are struggling to fit ever more expensive gas and groceries into a budget that grows only on the expense side while the income side stagnates or shrinks, just what are those folks who actually benefited from the tax cuts doing with all that extra money?

Upscale department stores posted strong gains. Neiman Marcus Group Inc., Dallas, said same-store sales jumped 15% for its Neiman Marcus Stores and Bergdorf Goodman units combined, citing strength in designer handbags. Same-store sales at Nordstrom Inc., of Seattle, rose 7.2%, on brisk demand for accessories.

No Program Left Unfunded 

George W., the leader of the Party of Small Government, sure made a lot of promises to spend money last night. This is my continuing effort to unspin the Republican National Convention.

Of course W. mentioned his now widely criticized "No Child Left Behind" program, his now discounted drug discount program for seniors and, of course, his disastrous tax cuts. On top of that he pledged continued spending on the never-ending War on Terror, Social Security reform, broader job training and expanded access to health care. Don't think he forgot a bone for all his business backers either; tax cuts for corporations were thrown on the heap as well.

And - again - making his tax cuts permanent.

Nowhere in this litany of programs did he mention any way to pay for it all. Nowhere did he mention how he planned to pay down the incredible national debt he's managed to build. Nowhere did he provide any indication how he was going to finance the ever expanding quagmire in Iraq and Afghanistan.

One of his too often repeated phrases last night was "nothing will hold us back." Nothing it seems except being bogged down in interminable war and the ability to pay for your promises, George.


From George Pataki's speech last night (if I remember it correctly):

"...fate gave us George W. Bush for President"

Fate, Apparently, Wears a Black Robe

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Our "Friends" in Pakistan 

G.W. really knows how to pick our country's friends, no?

A new assessment of Iran's nuclear program by the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency says that, as early as 1995, Pakistan was providing Tehran with the designs for sophisticated centrifuges capable of making bomb-grade nuclear fuel. It also finds evidence that, as of the mid-August, Iran had assembled and tested the major components for 70 of the machines, which it showed to inspectors from the agency.
Are you safer now than you were four years ago?

This is Sure to Help Matters 

There are no legitimate excuses for the use of suicide bombers to kill and maim civilians. It is a breach of every known law, agreement or treaty on the conduct of warfare.

That does not, however, excuse this:

Israeli forces blew up two large apartment blocks in the Gaza Strip on Thursday, making scores of Palestinians homeless after suicide bombers killed 16 people in Israel.

The army, carrying out its biggest Gaza incursion in weeks, said the operation in the Khan Younis refugee camp targeted twin five-storey buildings used by Palestinian militants for attacks on Israeli soldiers and settlers.
How can this possibly help the problem the Israelis and Palestinians are having? This could not even be considered something so stupid as "treating the symptoms rather than the cause." This is inflaming the cause and creating further symptoms. But with both sides led by doddering old fools, holding grudges and memories from decades ago, there seems little hope in the short-run for anything else.

Headlines for the Sane 

Some might accuse us liberal bloggers of writing sensationalistic headlines and posts. But must of us would say we are just unspinning the spin. Eric Alterman seems to feel the same way and nails it with the following:

You can call me “liberal.” I am liberal. But the headlines I’ve written comport more closely with the view held by most of the civilized world. The opposite views—the ones around which our political circuses spin—are held only by a tiny minority of people. It is the world’s colossal misfortune to have this tiny minority at the helm of the world’s most powerful nation, despite their side having lost the last election by any reasonable measure.
I don't post about or refer to Alterman's Altercation often enough anymore. If you don't read him at least once a week, you really should.

More Anti-Spin 

This is from MSNBC:

As speakers at the GOP convention trumpet Bush administration successes in the war on terrorism, an NBC News analysis of Islamic terrorism since Sept. 11, 2001, shows that attacks are on the rise worldwide - dramatically.


Moreover, the level of sophistication is increasing. Terrorism experts point in particular to the attacks apparently carried out by Chechen rebels during that 10-day period. The rebels, whose top military commanders have been Arabs, are operating at a whole different level.

"You have bombs on board planes, bombs at a train station and now a hostage taking," said Roger Cressey, a former deputy National Security Council director of counterterrorism. "This is all coordinated. These things do not happen by accident, and in fact, United States officials are frantically trying to determine if they are a forerunner of an attack aimed at the U.S."
So in a twist on the classic campaign question, I have to ask you: "Are you safer now than you were four years ago?"

The Quantum Physics of the Vice President 

What alternate universe is Dick Cheney living in? I know he's spent most of the past three years in a "secure, undisclosed location," but didn't he at least have cable? The spin he put on reality last night reminded me of the sub-atomic particle property called - appropriately enough - spin. It's a derived number related to a particle's angular momentum (both orbital and inherent), but that's a discussion for another post.

Here's part of what Tricky Dick had to say:

The vice president hailed President Bush as a "superb commander-in-chief" who has helped restore the economy and will lead the nation to victory in the war on terror. Mr. Bush "does not deal in empty threats and half measures," Mr. Cheney said in his prime-time speech to delegates and a nationwide television audience.
Let's try to nullify the spin on those two issues.

I assume that Crash-Cart Cheney was referring to a massive increase in the national debt, tax cuts for the rich, huge unfunded mandates to the states (NCLB), 1.1 million jobs lost and a sputtering recovery. Did I miss anything?

As for leading us all to "victory in the war on terror," I'm not even sure where to start. Cheney must have been referring to ignoring Afghanistan where the Taliban not only wasn't destroyed and bin Laden was never found, but they are still there and increasing their hold on the country - again. Or maybe it was the complete fabrication used to take us to war against a country that it turns out has absolutely nothing to do with the war on terror. Or maybe he was referring to the Korean peninsula where we are drawing down troops who are facing a potential enemy who actually does have nuclear weapons. Actually on this subject I could give examples for days. And really, you all know them already.

If Dick Cheney were a quantum particle - no small feat, given his increasing bulk in recent years (they must not have a treadmill in his hideout) - physicists would have to come up with a new way to measure spin.

Oh, and to return to something I said in a previous post, if Arnold and Laura and the twins were the lipstick, Dick was the pig.

UPDATE: In fact, I found a picture to support my last assertion.

Photo via AMERICABlog via Eschaton; photo editing is mine.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Feeling Safer? 

A little more anti-spin for you today.

Everyone and their twin daughters has been telling us that aWol has made the world a safer place with his "War on Terror." Someone should read this article to him:

Iran has announced plans to turn tons of uranium into a substance that can be used to make nuclear weapons, the U.N. atomic watchdog agency said Wednesday in a report stoking concern about Tehran's nuclear agenda.


Another diplomat, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said that enough highly enriched uranium could be produced from the hexafluoride derived to make several explosive devices.
Makes you feel all warm inside, doesn't it?

The GOP Freak Show 

A former body builder turned actor turned politician. Two temporarily sober frat girls turned campaign tarts. And the prototypical Stepford Wife and ex-Librarian turned ignorant science advisor on stem cells. Throw in a miscellaneous mix of morons and there you have it: day two of the Republican National Convention otherwise touted as the "People of Compassion Night."


Schwarzenegger is compassionate about any woman with a great rack - as long as she doesn't complain about being groped. The Bush Twins are compassionate about their booze - just like daddy! And Laura - what the hell is she passionate or compassionate about? She's a walking advertisement for Prozac. And all of them are fronting for the most bigoted, homophobic party platform since the Reconstruction South.

Welcome to the new GOP; where they smile to your face while they pick your pocket, molest your daughter and play Pope to our modern Galileos.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Secret Service Destroys First Amendment at R.N.C. 

Via Jesus' General, we learn that Secret Service Agents at the RNC were actively preventing the press from speaking with Michael Moore who was attending with press credentials from USAToday. Specifically, there is audio of Andrea Seabrook, from NPR being rousted from interviewing Moore in the press area:

[Andrea] Seabrook: Well, well I'm not...the Secret Service has blocked off that area. They're calling it a...a hazard because of the number of people who are a gathered around him. There aren't that many people, but the Secret Service won't let me around him anymore, so I think a the access to him might be cut off for a moment. We'll try to get back with him.


Seabrook: Yes, I am in the middle of might be able to hear the Secret Service yelling into my mic at the same time. There, there are a bunch of Secret Service that have surrounded Michael Moore's section. There are three or four reporters with him right now, but they are trying to kick all of the reporters and press photographers who are around him out of his area. The convention staff is also here. They're standing here telling us that we have to move from this are...they're obviously disturbed by the fact that Michael Moore is here and want as little public here as possible.
Un-F***ing-Believable. I wonder if there was any video of this... I wonder whether these guys were wearing brown shirts... I wonder when we are going to get our goddamn Constitution back from these MBSF?

Object of My Desire 

I love my iMac - I've said that many times before. But, for a computer it's starting to get a bit long in the tooth (at 3 and half years old - and it was the previous year's model when I bought it). But Apple, as they so often do, has just broken through design and computing barriers with their newest iMac. And I want one!

Feast your eyes in this:

Other than the mouse and keyboard, that's it.

Don't mind my drooling...


The BS about Kerry's wartime service - of which NONE of the Chickenhawks, including their Pretender-in-Chief, have any - has reached its illogical end with this (via Rising Hegemon):

Delegates to the Republican National Convention found a new way to take a jab at Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's Vietnam service record: by sporting adhesive bandages with small purple hearts on them.

Morton Blackwell, a prominent Virginia delegate, has been handing out the heart-covered bandages to delegates, who've worn them on their chins, cheeks, the backs of their hands and other places.
I have friends who were killed and others who were wounded in war; I find this disgusting and degrading. If I were to see someone with one of these bandages on, I would be hard pressed to keep myself from ripping it off in the most painful way possible and then bitch-slapping them.

Countering the Spin 

This week, rather than cover what goes on inside the Republican National Convention, I want to continue something I started last week. I will try to highlight stories that counter the cyclonic spin put on world events by the Republicans.

Yesterday delegates in NYC heard how wonderfully aWol has prosecuted the War on Terror. Today we see this:

An Iraqi militant group said it had killed 12 Nepali hostages and showed pictures on an Islamist Web site on Tuesday of one of them being beheaded.

"We have carried out the sentence of God against 12 Nepalis who came from their country to fight the Muslims and to serve the Jews and the Christians...believing in Buddhah [sic] as their God," said the statement by the military committee of the Army of Ansar al-Sunna.
Can you imagine how things would be going were he not paying attention?

A Once Great Man Laid Low 

It's sad to see John McCain prostitute himself (WSJ - subscription) in the service of George "Please Don't Send Me to War" Bush. I never would have voted for McCain had he won the Republican nomination, but I had - have - a deep respect for his service and for many of his views. But seeing him on the stage and hearing him encouraging others to vote for what is so obviously a failed administration - and knowing that he know it is as well - is just sad.

Sen. John McCain swept aside his differences with President Bush tonight and urged voters to re-elect him, heartily endorsing the Iraq and anti-terrorism policies of his 2000 rival for the White House.


Mr. McCain said Mr. Bush has earned re-election because of his resolute actions since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 -- a key theme on the convention's opening night.
I'm not sure where the phrase got its start, but putting up John McCain (and all the other moderates that will speak) really is just "putting lipstick on the pig." Or in this case, the elephant. John McCain could do so much better.

Monday, August 30, 2004

A Manifesto for the Rest of Us 

Via And Then... comes the manifesto of PRKA (People Reluctant to Kill for an Abstraction). I'm so sorry I missed this last week. A sample:

Last Thursday, my organization, People Reluctant To Kill for an Abstraction, orchestrated an overwhelming show of force around the globe.

At precisely 9 in the morning, working with focus and stealth, our entire membership succeeded in simultaneously beheading no one. At 10, Phase II began, during which our entire membership did not force a single man to suck another man's penis. Also, none of us blew himself/herself up in a crowded public place. No civilians were literally turned inside out via our powerful explosives. In addition, at 11, in Phase III, zero (0) planes were flown into buildings.
Please, read the rest. It is precisely what we need right now. Pass it on to your friends and families.

"I'm Givin' Her All She's Got..." 

Alzheimers is slowly dimming another bright light. Not a political light, but rather one of those entertainers who will always make a true geek smile.

The five-day tribute, "Beam Me Up Scotty ... One Last Time," had been in the planning stages for more than a year before it was revealed, earlier this summer, that the 84-year-old [James] Doohan, who lives in Redmond, had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Coming so soon after the death of the similarly afflicted former president, Ronald Reagan, the family's announcement added greater urgency — and no small degree of poignancy — to preparations.

Instead of going ahead with a purely festive "retirement party" for the beloved actor, Planet XPO elected to join forces with the Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation to raise awareness of the disease. With the cooperation of Doohan's family, representatives of both groups quickly were able to refocus the event's theme, turning Saturday night's banquet into a benefit.

Doohan's final formal public appearance is expected tomorrow morning, when his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is unveiled, in front of the Hollywood Entertainment Museum.
Lieutenant Montgomery Scott has been a part of my life since I can remember. It appears that he will no longer remember the love of science or the love of engineering he inspired in so many children and adults. But those memories will remain, spread out like stars in the night, in the minds and imaginations of generations of Star Trek fans throughout the world.

Remember These Guys? 

Afghanistan will hold its first national elections soon. Or at least that's how the Republicans, flogging aWol's foreign policy and War on Terror accomplishments, will tell the story. Here's some more things you won't hear in NYC this week from inside the convention:

In the past year, violence has escalated across Afghanistan despite the presence of NATO forces, including 18,000 U.S. troops. Taliban insurgents, remnants of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network and others have been waging hit-and-run attacks against military and civilian targets throughout the country.

Hundreds of Afghans have been killed, and humanitarian relief workers have halted operations in many rural areas.
Didn't we "defeat" the Taliban? Weren't we going to chase the remnants of al Qaeda to "the ends of the earth?"

Can we really afford Four More Years of such success?

Quagmire - Countering the Spin 

We're likely to hear a lot this week about how well things are going in Iraq; about how great the Iraqis have it now that Saddam is gone. Here are a couple of things (WSJ - subscription) that you won't hear from any of the speakers at the Republican National Convention:

Iraqi National Guard troops are supposed to police their own hometowns and villages. But in many cases the soldiers refuse to arrest anyone for fear the insurgents will seek revenge against their families.

"I've seen insurgents put [remote-detonated roadside bombs] 100 meters from my Iraqi National Guard checkpoints," said Staff Sgt. Nicholas Fox, who oversees a company of about 90 Iraqi soldiers outside Fallujah. When Sgt. Fox asked the Iraqi soldiers why they didn't stop the insurgents, the soldiers replied that they were afraid their families would be targeted.

Two Iraqi National Guard units in al Anbar province, which encompasses Fallujah and Ramadi, were overrun earlier this month by insurgents who stormed their headquarters. The insurgents kidnapped the units' battalion commanders. The dead body of one of the commanders was found a few days later; the other man is still missing. The insurgents also took most of the two 800-soldier battalions' guns, helmets and body armor.

The police haven't performed well, either. Recently the Marines detained the police chief for the province, who is suspected of cooperating with the insurgents. His officers were guarding the provincial governor's home when it was attacked by insurgents and the governor's two sons were abducted. The police didn't fire a shot.
Just remember these incidents while you're listening to BushCo. tout its accomplishments in Iraq.

"Play Nice" 

I've been very happy to see that so far, protesters in NYC have been very well behaved. While there have, of course, been some scattered arrests, so far protests have been enthusiastic, loud, very large and very peaceful. The major networks have not focused exclusively on the fringe and even the Wall Street Journal's coverage has been balanced.

Estimates for Sunday's protest vary, naturally. But even if you split the difference (between 120,000 and 400,000), it was the largest protest against a National Convention in history. Any protests against the Democrats pale in comparison. In fact, the protests are beginning to resemble - in size - those against the Viet Nam War.

Is it too much to hope that not only will the protesters continue to "play nice," but that their message gets through the spin?


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