Thursday, February 05, 2004

Sometimes You Just Get it Right

It seems I may have been on the right track with my post from yesterday about Abdul Qadeer Khan. I predicted that nothing would happen to Khan, Musharraf or our relationship with Pakistan. From the article in today's NYT, I think this is shaping up just like I thought it would:

The president of Pakistan, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, granted a full pardon today to Abdul Qadeer Khan, the founder of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, who admitted sharing nuclear technology with other countries in a contrite television appearance on Wednesday night.


Speaking to journalists after the news conference, General Musharraf said Dr. Khan would be under close supervision to prevent him from carrying out any more proliferation, but he added that there would be no further investigation.

The tone of his comments indicated that he wished to put the scandal behind him.

Emphasis is mine
And of course the crickets have been deafening as far as the White House goes on this. Yep, everything is just fine. Nothing to see here. Oh, look, ricin over in Congress!!

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