Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Bush was Absent Without Leave (A.W.O.L.)

Maybe this will only be read by me; since, at least by the number of comments, I haven't had too many visitors here yet. But it has to be said. Maybe that also means I have to violate the dictum about things not to discuss in polite conversation: Sex, Religion and Politics.

FACT: George W. Bush was AWOL - and depending on how you read the law, perhaps even a deserter - during his time with the Air National Guard in Texas.

The reason I include the term "deserter" is that this occured during the VietNam War. And although his father's political connections got him a nice, cushy job in an AirNG wing flying aircraft soon to be retired (i.e. not eligible to be deployed to S.E. Asia), he decided to not show up for approximately a year. That year beginning with his refusal to take his annual flight physical (which always includes a blood test for drugs and alcohol.

I won't go into all the details, they are laid out at lots of other web sites and blogs. Just Google Bush AND AWOL and see what you get...

Why is this important? For lots of reasons - one that it should have resulted in him being court martialed and therefore, likely ineligible to hold federal office. Bust most importantly, in the upcoming election aWol, his cronies and their loudmouthed supporters on talk radio will be trying to trump the Resident's foreign policy prowess and military triumphs (not to mention splashing pictures of him swaggering on that aircraft carrier's deck in his borrowed flightsuit) while slinging the worst kind of mud on his opponents' records and military service. This cannot be allowed to stand unopposed.

Somehow, this is a story that has been buried by the SCLM since the 2000 elections. It's time it saw a little daylight.

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