Monday, September 22, 2003

The Most Dangerous Man in America?

Patriot Act II. This litany of legislative legerdemain just keeps providing ammunition with which BushCo repeatedly shoots themselves in the foot.

Ashcroft's latest defense of P.A.II revolves around alternately insulting, cajoling and threatening one of the least harmful, most beloved and most defenseless of groups; librarians. You can read about it in lots of places, not least of all here.

They've never used it - says Ashcroft (then why do they need it) - and if they did, they'd never tell us. And should any librarian want to complain about it, P.A.II makes it a crime to tell anyone that library records had been requested.

My suggestion is that everyone go to their public library as soon as possible - if you don't have a card, get one - then check out as many "subversive" titles as you can find there.

I guess the DoJ has never met a group they didn't want to bully. I wonder how many times John Ashcroft was sent to the principals office as a child for stealing milk money from a classmate?

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