Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Are You Safer Now?

Who knows? Certainly not the Feds. The Wall Street Journal this morning says that the FBI has hundreds of thousands of hours of intercepted communications - recorded since 9/11 - that it has not translated. Despite an influx of money.

In addition, the audit by Glenn A. Fine, the agency's inspector general, found that more than one-third of al Qaeda intercepts authorized by a secret federal court were not reviewed with 12 hours of collection as required by FBI Director Robert Mueller.


This backlog existed even though the FBI's language services funding had increased from $21.5 million in fiscal 2001 to about $70 million in fiscal 2004. The number of linguists has risen from 883 to 1,214 over that period.
Think anyone will be fired over this? No, neither do I.

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