Monday, May 24, 2004

Seven Missing Steps

Like an alcoholic trying to kick the habit, BushCo. seems addicted to bad policies in Iraq. Failure to convince the world and at least half the US that Saddam was an "imminent threat," failure to find WMD, failure to plan for after the war, failure to secure weapons caches, failure to distance itself from Ahmed Chalabi, failure to ensure the security of the Iraqi people, and on and on...

So tonight, The Sock Puppet-in-Chief will stand up before the American people and the world and announce his five "concrete steps" to hand over power to the Iraqi people. Unlike an AA member, it seems that Bush has forgotten the final seven steps to his twelve step program; as usual he's going to shortchange those his policy is meant to help.

In a sign just how out of touch and just how much spin is being put on the whole Iraq situation, White House Communications Director, Dan Bartlett, says that Iraq is "a little chaotic" right now. Further evidence that Republicans have not learned any lessons from past failures to plan and execute is supplied by Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA): “It’s time to put some weight on the shoulders of the Iraqi military.”

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