Thursday, May 27, 2004

Not So Preposterous...

I'm a bit of a geek. There I admit it and I feel better.

How much of a geek? I read Scientific American for fun. I've had a subscription to Psychology Today Magazine. I've read nearly everything ever written by Stephen J. Gould. I wish I would have been able to study quantum physics in college. I slog through articles and books on physics and genetics (as long as they are short on equations and long on exposition).

All that to say that one of my favorite (mostly) non-political blogs is Preposterous Universe. The blog of Sean Carroll, a physicist at the University of Chicago. He explores "ideas on culture, science, politics," and he doesn't dumb things down (too much). If you are at all interested in modern physics and how it affects and intersects "real life" and you still want a smattering of intelligent progressive political thought, you really should head on over and see what Sean has to say.

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