Sunday, May 30, 2004

Long Weekend, Short Blogging

Finally we've got some nice weather this weekend in Western New York. So I'll be spending most of today outside; there is lots of work to be done in the yard! Last night we had a great party for the couple who's wedding we went to in the Virgin Islands last month; instead of everyone hauling wedding gifts on the plane ride, we decided to have them open gifts here. It was a complete success!!

All of that, I guess, is the long way of saying that I probably won't be doing a lot of blogging this weekend. But then, I'm not sure that anyone's going to be doing a lot of blog reading this weekend.

If you do stop by and are looking for something to read or comment on, please joins the long (for this blog) comment thread on my post below about a supposed letter from a young Marine I found in the Wall Street Journal. Please join the conversation on "Some on the Left..."

I hope that you all have a wonderful long weekend; have fun, be safe.

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