Thursday, May 27, 2004

Additional Specifications Before the Hague

In his post "Nukes, Glorious Nukes," The Yellow Doggerel Democrat reveals the most horrific speculation yet on the activities of a second Bush term. The resumption of nuclear weapons testing in the Nevada desert.

Steve is horrified, as we all should be:

George W. Bush is roughly the same age as I am. I cannot imagine that he has not run across some of the publications on the subject, and found someone to read them to him. If indeed he plans to resume nuclear testing despite what is known, he must indeed be as cruel as any ruler in the history of the planet. And I think he likes being that way.
Read the rest of the post. It'll send shivers down your spine...

UPDATE: Steve let me know that credit should go to Amy at BlogAmy for uncovering this little gem.

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