Friday, June 18, 2004

A New Front in the War on Terror?

In the case of Iraq, it was enough for Bush to invade that al Qaeda members had, at some unspecified and uncorroborated time, visited there. Now we have irrefutable proof that al Qaeda is: operating in Saudi Arabia; receiving major funding from the citizens and members of the Saudi government; and - while operating unmolested inside of Saudi Arabia - able to kill American civilians. So, when will we be invading our erstwhile allies?

Where are Bush's puppetmasters and talking heads calling for an invasion to depose the House of Saud? Where are the banners on CNN and MSGOP proclaiming the "Drumbeat for War?" Where are the FOX News wingnuts screaming for war? Where are our friends the chickenhawks?

Oh, aren't the Bush Family and the House of Saud close friends?


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