Monday, January 12, 2004

Anger Management

I know that several other bloggers have already written about Dr. Dean's "anger problem." But after a piece on this mornings ABC news, I just had to add my two cents worth.

ABC showed a couple of video clips with Dr. Dean "getting angry." Now, I'm normally pretty mild mannered - but I do have a temper. I know people who have hair-trigger tempers and I know people who have volcanic tempers. Dr. Dean has none of these things. He appears to get angry on occasion, he yells a bit - although none of the clips I've ever seen of him show him truly losing his temper.

So I find it odd that people say he has an anger problem.

I find Dr. Dean's anger to be refreshing. He gets upset at things that should make him upset - they make me upset. He has real reactions to real problems and situations. He's not mealy mouthed about things, he doesn't try to talk his way around things so that whatever comes out of his mouth seems tepid and somehow out of touch with the reality of things.

In other words, he reacts - he gets angry - like a real person; not like a politician.

Since I last wrote about a politician - Gen. Clark, about 3 months ago - I've done lots of thinking, but have restrained myself from coming out and really endorsing any Democrat. I did however register at the end of last year as a Democrat so I could vote in the New York primaries. Some people might be somewhat turned off by Dr. Dean's so-called "anger problem." I think his reactions are real; I think they are appropriate for where we find our country right now.

I think I'm beginning to see my candidate.

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