Thursday, September 02, 2004

Headlines for the Sane

Some might accuse us liberal bloggers of writing sensationalistic headlines and posts. But must of us would say we are just unspinning the spin. Eric Alterman seems to feel the same way and nails it with the following:

You can call me “liberal.” I am liberal. But the headlines I’ve written comport more closely with the view held by most of the civilized world. The opposite views—the ones around which our political circuses spin—are held only by a tiny minority of people. It is the world’s colossal misfortune to have this tiny minority at the helm of the world’s most powerful nation, despite their side having lost the last election by any reasonable measure.
I don't post about or refer to Alterman's Altercation often enough anymore. If you don't read him at least once a week, you really should.

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