Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Hell Has Frozen Over

If it's not completely frozen over, it must surely be pretty damned chilly down there this morning.

And it's my sincerest hope that the lowest, coldest level of Dante's Inferno is reserved for those who would vote to install Schwartzenegger as governor of the 7th largest economy in the world.

The Gropenor Elect, in his "victory speech," still couldn't come up with a single, detailed position on any issue. My mother has some great sayings - which I should write down for posterity (and hilarity) - one of which was "be careful what you wish for; you just might get it." Another was "people get what they deserve, in the end."

And so it is, I think, for California. They were gullible enough to believe a conservative millionaire businessman had their best interests in mind when he started this whole mess. They were so sheep-like that they could be led to the point where they could be stupid enough to vote for an action film movie star who has never elucidated a single detailed plan on any of the hugely important issues facing California.

If the world ended today, it wouldn't surprise me.


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